Tuesday, June 22, 2010
To clarify from the start, this isn’t a release of any sort but rather news on an upcoming release. Although we’ve heard a lot about jailbreaking from several different hackers, Geohot has been rather quiet. This doesn’t mean that he isn’t working on anything. George Hotz (Geohot) has currently been in France for the Nuit Du Hack conference. An event started in 2003 by Hackerz Voice team, and inspired by world famous DEF CON, “Nuit Du Hack” is one of the oldest French underground hacking conferences to date.
During one of the “talks” held during the conference, George gave a presentation in which he discussed the discovery of his newest bootrom exploit, which by the sounds of it, can eventually jailbreak or “pwn” every iPhone and iPod Touch available, including the iPhone 4. It sounds like something that will be usable over and over again for any new iPhone devices that are released in the future. The name he has given to this new project of his is “pwned4life”.
Labels: Apple, Cell Phones, Development, Hacks, iPhone, iPhone Hacks, iPod Touch, News, Pwned4life, SmartPhones, Tech
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